CBCP Statement on the Coming 2001 Elections
We are truly at the crossroads in our journey as a nation. We must now
again elect our political leaders. This could be a time of grace for our
country, or it could be a time of eventual sorrow. It could start an era
of political renewal, or it could only perpetuate the old
traditional politics. The Lord is offering us a choice. "Today…I am
offering you life or death, blessing or curse" (Dt. 30, 19).
2. Recent events in our history have sadly and painfully confirmed what
we, the Bishops of the Philippines, said in 1997: "Philippine
politics – the way it is practiced – has been most hurtful to us as a
people. It is possibly the biggest bane in our life as a nation and the
most pernicious obstacle to our achieving full development."
3. Our political culture is infected with a destructive virus, the virus
of political patronage, pay-offs, and personalities. This kind of culture
is the playground of trapos. It does not require moral principles
as qualifications. It only requires money, popularity, and the ability to
exploit the dreams of the poor through empty promises and empty rhetoric.
4. The issues of the coming elections are the same moral issues that
People Power 2001 brought to the streets in various parts of the country.
They are about corruption, the use of power for self or for friends,
plunder, the instrumentalization of the poor for one's own gain, lack of
integrity, a disregard of the moral truth, the lack of a sense of and
fidelity to the common good, the lack of fidelity to commitments. What we
have learned is this fundamental and unassailable truth: Politics cannot
be divorced from morality. Political leaders should not lead if they are
not true to moral principles.
5. To renew politics and make it work for the common good, moral
qualifications are needed. Therefore, we have to ask ourselves crucial
questions: Have we really learned the lesson of People Power? Shall we
elect leaders who dismiss moral principles for the sake of power or wealth
or friendship? Shall we elect leaders who do not have the moral courage to
choose the common good over narrow loyalties or self-interest?
6. If we choose leaders without the necessary moral qualities, they shall
prove themselves to be a curse to justice, peace and true development in
our country. This was so in the past, this could be so in the future. But
if we choose leaders who are morally qualified, then we choose blessings
for our country. We must, therefore, choose and act not according to party
loyalty, political patronage, or popularity but according to an informed
and right conscience.
7. What moral qualifications then should we look for in the candidates
that we choose? They are the same qualities that the Bishops of the
Philippines have insisted on at every election. Choose candidates who have
the following moral qualities:
Competence. Competence is not only about knowing what to do, about
being intelligent and smart in the art of politics. It is not
about using one's intelligence to exploit people and the political system
for one's own gain, or to subvert the truth, or enrich oneself immorally
without being caught. Competence has to do with knowing what is right,
with being able to distinguish between right and wrong, with having the
skill and determination to do what is right. In this sense, competence is
moral wisdom.
Integrity. Integrity is about being righteous, being honest, being
true to one's convictions and principles. Integrity is about being
faithful to one's oath as a public servant or as a married person. In sum,
integrity is about following, in word and deed, the ways of God through
public service.
An Abiding Sense of the Common Good. One who is corrupt is not only
dishonest, he sacrifices the public good for his own interests, or the
interests of his family. For such a leader, his political party, his
family, his friends are more important than the good of the country. But
politicians in the true sense are public servants. They serve the public
good. Their paramount interest is the public good. Their passion is to
serve the people.
Solidarity with the Poor. This solidarity is not about simply being
friendly to the poor, not about exploring their needs by giving dole-outs
and gifts rather than justice. Solidarity with the poor is about being in
touch with the poor, being sensitive to their needs, being active in their
liberation, and dismantling the structures in government and in society
that bind the poor to poverty. Solidarity is love of preference for the
8. Such moral qualities are absolutely necessary for the leaders that
we choose. That is why the Bishops of the Philippines have many times
insisted on choosing leaders who are maka-Diyos, maka-tao, and maka-bayan.
9. Furthermore, choose leaders with political programs that will
address the basic problems of our country, namely, peace, justice and
development. Corruption is one face of injustice. It takes away billions
of pesos from development projects into the pockets of the corrupt. The
drive for peace is similarly a drive for justice and development. We need
leaders who not only promise these but will have the competence, the
integrity, passion for the common good, and solidarity with the poor that
will enable them to deliver their program of good government effectively.
10. To help renew politics, make your vote count. Actively cooperate with
and assist NAMFREL, PPC-RV, VOTE-CARE, and similar organizations of civil
society that strive to make the elections honest, orderly, peaceful, and
11. We, therefore, need to heed the voice of God. In these coming
elections, we are given the choice between blessing and curse. Let us
choose blessing. Let us choose new life for our country. May the Holy
Spirit of Wisdom enlighten our choices. May our Blessed Mother Mary, Seat
of Wisdom, guide us.
For the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines:
+Orlando B. Quevedo, O.M.I.
March 24, 2001
Archbishop of Cotabato
President, Catholic Bishops'
Conference of the Philippines

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Last Updated: Sunday, May 06, 2001 09:32:37 AM