A Guide for a Pro-people, Pro-God, Pro-Environment,
Pro-Filipino Vote
(Luzon Secretariat for Social Action)
Thou shall not vote for candidates who trample the interests and
well-being of the poor, deprived and struggling people of God;
2. Thou shall not vote for candidates who degrade the sanctity of Life and
destroy the integrity of God's creation;
3. Thou shall not vote for candidates who attempted to tinker with the
Constitution for personal reason or political interests;
4. Thou shall not vote for candidates who worship the GATT-World Trade
Organization, the IMF-World Bank in the name of Philippines 2000 and
5. Thou shall not vote for candidates who use guns, goons, gold and girls
to win elections;
6. Thou shall not vote for candidates who sacrifice our overseas contract
workers, our women and children for economic growth and NIChood;
7. Thou shall not vote for candidates who demolish our urban poor homes
without consultation, just compensation and sustainable relocation;
8. Thou shall not vote for candidates who are party to the obliteration of
the ancestral domain and distinct culture of our indigenous peoples for
the sake of dams, mines and eco-tourism;
9. Thou shall not vote for candidates who resort to contractualization to
further exploit and oppress the working class and curtail their rights to
job security, form union and associations; and
10. Thou shall not vote for candidates who convert our verdant fields and
vast farmlands into golf courses, plush villages, exclusive resorts and
tourist spots.

For any
inquiries or comment, you may contact the WEBMASTER
Last Updated: Sunday, May 06, 2001 10:06:02 AM