BOARD OF CANVASSERS There shall be a Board of Canvassers for each province, city and municipality as follows:
(b) City Board of Canvassers - shall be composed of the City Election Registrar or a lawyer of the Commission on Elections as Chair, the City Prosecutor as Vice Chair, and the City Superintendent of Schools as member. In cities with more than one Election Registrar, the Commission on Elections shall designate the Election Registrar who shall act as Chair. (c) Municipal Board of Canvassers - shall be composed of the Election Registrar or a representative of the Commission on Elections as Chair, the Municipal Treasurer as Vice Chair, and the most senior District School Supervisor, or in his/her absence a principal of the school district or the elementary school, as member. (Sec. 20, R.A. No. 6646) (d) Board of Canvassers for newly created political subdivisions - the Commission on Elections shall constitute a Board of Canvassers and appoint the members thereof for the first election in a newly created province, city or municipality in case the officials who shall act as members thereof have not yet assumed their duties and functions. (Sec. 221, B.P. Blg. 881, as amended) The proceedings of the Board of Canvassers shall be open and public. (Sec. 20, R.A. No. 6646)
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