Before the Board of Election Inspectors can proceed to count the votes, it shall first count the ballots in the compartment for valid ballots without unfolding them or exposing their contents, except to ascertain that each ballot is single, and compare the number of ballots in the box with the number of voters who have voted. If there are excess ballots, they shall be returned in the box and thoroughly mixed. The poll clerk shall, without seeing the ballots and with his/her back to the box, publicly draw out as many ballots as may be equal to the number of excess ballots and without unfolding them, place them in an envelope which shall be marked "excess ballots" to be sealed and signed by the members of the Board of Election Inspectors. The envelope shall be placed in the compartment for valid ballots, but its contents shall not be read in the counting of votes. If, in the course of the examination, ballots are
found folded together before they were deposited in the box, they shall be
placed in the envelope for excess ballots. In case ballots with their
detachable coupons be found in the box, such coupons shall be removed and
deposited in the compartment for spoiled ballots, and the ballots shall be
included in the file of valid ballots. If ballots with the words
"spoiled" be found in the box, such ballots shall likewise be
placed in the compartment for spoiled ballots.
For any
inquiries or comment, you may contact the WEBMASTER