Official ballots for national and local offices shall: (a) Be of uniform size and color; (b) Be provided at public expense; (c) Be printed on paper with watermarks or other marks that will readily distinguish the ballot paper from ordinary paper; (d) Be in the shape of a strip with stub and detachable coupon containing the serial number of the ballot, and a space for the thumbmark of the voter on the detachable coupon; (e) Bear at the top on the middle portion thereof the coat of arms of the Republic of the Philippines, the words "Official Ballot," the name of the city or the municipality and province in which the election is held, the date of the election, and the following notice: "Fill out this ballot secretly inside the voting booth. Do not put any distinctive mark on any part of this ballot"; (f) Contain the names of all the offices to be voted for in the election, allowing opposite the name of each office, sufficient space or spaces with horizontal lines where the voter may write the name or names of the individual candidates voted for by him; and (g) Not have anything printed or written on the reverse side. "Ballots in cities and municipalities where Arabic is of general use shall have each of the titles of offices to be voted printed in Arabic in addition to and immediately below the English title." The Commission on Elections is empowered to prescribe a different form of ballot to facilitate voting by illiterate voters and to use or adopt the latest technological and electronic devices as authorized under paragraph (i) of Sec. 52 of B.P. Blg. 881, as amended. (Sec. 181, B.P. Blg. 881, as amended)
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