A polling place is the building or place where the Board of Election Inspectors conduct its proceedings and where the voters cast their votes (Sec. 152, B.P. Blg. 881, as amended). As far as practicable, it shall be located in "a ground floor and shall be of sufficient size to admit and comfortably accommodate forty voters at one time outside the guard rail for the board of election inspectors." A public building is preferred for this purpose (Sec. 154, B.P. Blg. 881, as amended). Each polling place "shall be so arranged that the booths, the table, the ballot boxes and the whole polling place, except what is being written within the booths, shall be in plain view of the board of election inspectors, the watchers and other persons who may be within the polling place" (Sec. 159 (d), B.P. Blg. 881, as amended). Any "public or private building owned, leased, or occupied by any candidate or of any person who is related to any candidate within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, or any officer of the government or leader of any political party, group or faction," or "any building or surrounding premises under the actual control of a private entity, political party or religious organization" shall not be used as a polling place. "In places where no suitable public building is available, private school buildings may be used as polling places. No polling place shall be located within the perimeter of or inside a military or police camp or reservation or within a prison compound" (Sec. 155, B.P. Blg. 881, as amended).
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