1. Right to stay in the space reserved for them inside the polling
2. Right to witness and inform themselves of the proceedings of the board
of election inspectors, including:
a. its proceedings during the registration of voters;
b. to take notes of what they may see or hear;
c. to take photographs of the proceedings and incidents, if any, during
the counting of votes, as well as of election returns, tally boards and
ballot boxes;
d. to file a protest against any irregularity or violation of law which
they believe may have been committed by the board of election inspectors
or by any of its members or by any persons;
e. to obtain from the board of election inspectors a certificate as to the
filing of such protest and/or of the resolution thereon;
f. to read the ballots after they shall have been read by the chairman, as
well as the election returns after they shall have been completed and
signed by the members of the board of election inspectors without touching
them and without speaking to any member of the board of election
inspectors, or to any voter, or among themselves, in such a manner as
would distract the proceedings;
g. to be furnished with a certificate of the number of votes in words and
figures cast for each candidate, duly signed and thumbmarked by the
chairman and all the members of the board of election inspectors, the
refusal of which shall constitute an election offense and shall be
penalized accordingly (Sec. 179, B.P. Blg. 881, as
3. Challenge any person offering to vote for not being registered, for
using the name of another or suffering from existing disqualification (Sec.
199 (a), B.P. Blg. 881, as amended); and
4. Be permitted full and unimpeded access to the proceedings so that they
can read the names of those written on the ballots being counted with
unaided natural vision, consistent with good order in the polling place (Sec.
12, R.A. No. 6646).
Watchers of the political parties, coalition of political parties and
the candidates have the right to accompany the members of the board of
election inspectors or the election registrar in making the delivery of
ballot boxes and other election documents and paraphernalia to the boards
of canvassers (Sec. 229, B.P. Blg. 881, as amended).
"Each candidate, political party or coalition of political parties
shall be entitled to appoint one watcher in the board of canvassers. The
watcher shall have the right to be present at, and take note of, all the
proceedings of the board of canvassers, to read the election returns
without touching them, to file a protest against any irregularity in the
election returns submitted, and to obtain from the board of canvassers a
resolution thereon" (Sec. 239, B.P. Blg. 881,
as amended).

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Last Updated: Friday, April 13, 2001 05:25:08 PM