1. The Chair of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) announces the opening of polls. 2. Voting starts promptly at 7:00 a.m. 3. Voters cast their votes in the order of their arrival. 4. Voter approaches BEI chair and gives his/her full name and address. 5. BEI chair checks the voter's name from the "Computerized Voters List with Voting Record" (CVL Form No.2) or from the Book of Voters. 6. BEI chair requires any authentic
identification document of voter when in 7. If satisfied, BEI chair announces the name of voter for everyone to hear. 8. BEI chair checks if the right forefingernail, or any other finger of the voter, is already stained with indelible ink. 9. If not stained, BEI chair gives voter a ballot. 10. BEI chair announces serial number of ballot. 11. BEI chair enters serial number in
corresponding space in voting record at back of Voter's Registration
Record (VRR). If the Book of Voters is 13. BEI chair authenticates ballot by affixing his/her signature at the back thereof. 14. BEI chair folds ballot, except the portion where serial number appears. 15. BEI chair gives ballot to voter with instruction to fold in the same manner when returning the ballot. 16. The voter affixes his/her signature in the proper space of the VRR or CVL Form No. 2, if used in place of VRR. 17. Voter goes to voting booth and fills/completes his/her ballot. 18. If voter accidentally spoils or defaces ballot, he/she surrenders it to the BEI chair who gives him/her another ballot with its serial number duly entered in VRR or CVL Form No. 2. Such fact shall be entered in the Minutes of Voting. 19. When finished, voter returns to the BEI chair with ballot correctly folded. 20. BEI chair directs voter to affix his/her thumbmark in corresponding space in the ballot coupon, and in the VRR or CVL Form No. 2. 21. BEI chair verifies if serial number of ballot is the same as that previously entered in VRR or CVL Form No.2. 22. Poll Clerk/Third Member applies indelible ink
on cuticle of voter's right 23. BEI chair signs in VRR or CVL Form No. 2. 24. BEI chair detaches the coupon from ballot and drops coupon in compartment for spoiled ballots. 25. Voter drops ballot in compartment for valid ballots. 26. BEI chair instructs voter to leave polling place. 27. Casting of votes ends at 3:00 p.m. except when there are voters present within thirty meters in front of the polling place who have not yet cast their votes, in which case the voting shall continue but only to allow said voters to cast their votes without interruption. For any
inquiries or comment, you may contact the WEBMASTER