1   What is politics?

a)   Politics in the widest sense is the dynamic organization of society for the common good.  As such it calls for the responsible active participation of all citizens (cf. Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes, Religious Life and Human Promotion, 1980, no. 12). 

b)  Politics may be described as the art of government and public service. Vatican II describes politics as a "difficult and noble art" (GS, 75). Its aim is to realize the purpose of the State. 

c)  Politics is also used for partisan politics, the competition to win or retain positions of governmental power.  In this last sense clerics and religious are forbidden by church law to be involved in (partisan) politics.


FAQs taken from CBCP Catechism on Politics

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Last Updated: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 01:25:33 PM