10  Is not the Church's involvement in politics "political interference"?

"Political interference" takes place when the Church involves itself in politics in a way that is not justified by her mission or when such involvement is against the Constitution. But the mission of the Church requires her, for instance, to denounce political attitudes, behavior and structures that run counter to the Gospel and to the Reign of God or that militate against the common good and the integral salvation of the human person, especially of the poor. Also in accord with her mission is for the Church to issue moral guidelines regarding the qualifications of political candidates. It would be "political interference" if the Church were to be involved in way that is not in keeping with her mission to evangelize, or if the Church were to violate the Constitutional mandate of "separation of Church and State."


FAQs taken from CBCP Catechism on Politics

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Last Updated: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 01:35:25 PM