3 What is the common good?
The common good is "the sum total of social conditions which
allow people, either
as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and
easily" (GS, 26).
It consists of three essential elements: (a) it presupposes respect for
the fundamental rights of the human person and the natural freedoms
necessary for the development of the human vocation; (b) it requires the
social well being and development of the group itself, i.e., whatever is
needed to lead a truly human life such as food, clothing, health, work,
education, and culture should be accessible to each one; (c) it requires
peace, i.e., the stability and security of a just order (cf. CCC,
1907-09). These social conditions are obtained through social justice.
taken from CBCP Catechism on Politics

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