8   What is the basis for the Church's mission in politics? 

The main reasons why the Church has a mission in politics are the following:

First, because politics has a moral dimension. Politics is a human activity. It may hurt or benefit people. It can lead to grace or to sin.

Second, because the Gospel and the Kingdom of God call the Church to political involvement.  To proclaim the gospel to all creation necessarily includes evangelizing  the political world. Moreover, at the center of Jesus' mission is the proclaiming of the Kingdom of God. But the Kingdom of God calls us to repentance and renewal (Mk. 1:15). This call to renewal is addressed likewise to the political field.

Third, because the mission of the Church of integral salvation involves the political sphere. Integral salvation is the salvation of the total person, soul and body, spiritual and temporal. This is why Jesus not only forgave sins but also healed people from sickness. The Church must likewise bring the healing grace of salvation to the temporal, including political, sphere.


FAQs taken from CBCP Catechism on Politics

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Last Updated: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 01:33:50 PM