of the Philippines
Commission on Elections
Intramuros, Manila
the matter of the Accreditation as Citizen's arm of the Commission, PARISH
08 March 2001
x x
Lantion, R.C. Commissioner:
In an undated petition, verified by its National Chairman Haydee B. Yorac
on January 22, 2001, and filed with this Commission on January 23, 2001,
Petitioner Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) prays
for its accreditation as Citizen's arm of the Commission for the
forthcoming national and local elections on May 14, 2001, to perform voter
education and poll watching functions.
The petition alleges inter alia:
1.That PPRCV is a bonafide non-partisan association duly organized by and
composed of civic minded citizens drawn from the various sectors of
Philippine society with offices at Room 306, Pius XII Catholic Center,
1175 United Nations Avenue, where it may receive summons, notices, orders
and incidental processes in connection with this Petition;
2.That Petitioner herein has a national constituency, with chapters which
are operational in all provinces, cities and municipalities throughout the
country which carry out the orders, instructions and/or directives
promulgated by a National Executive Board;
3.That in the past elections since the synchronized National Elections on
11 May 1992, including the Barangay Elections of 1994 and 1997, the 1993
Special Elections for Governor of Bataan, the 1994 Special Election for
Congressman of the Second District of Rizal; the 1995 National and Local
Elections; the 1997 Recall Election in Kalookan City; the General and
Continuing Registration; and the 1998 National and Local Elections; the
1999 Regional Elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao; the
Plebiscite on the creation of the City of Novaliches on October 1999; and
the Recall Elections for the City Mayor of Pasay City on 15 April 2000,
Petitioner herein consistently applied for all and was granted
accreditation as a citizen's arm of this Honorable Commission in all
aforesaid electoral exercises.
4.That consistent with its avowed commitment to the cause of clean,
honest, peaceful credible elections in this country, Petitioner herein
seeks to be accredited anew as a citizen's arm of the Commission for the
forthcoming National and Local Elections on May 2001 to perform
specifically voter's education and poll watching functions within the
areas where parishes are existing.
5.That the Petitioner's performance as an accredited citizen's arm is now
a matter of public record and it is upon this record that herein
Petitioner relies for its accreditation as citizen's arm of this
Commission for the forthcoming National and Local Elections on May 2001;
6.That the Petitioner actively participated in the Joint COMELEC-PPCRV
Collaboration Planning for the Precinct Mapping, CVL Verification and
Authentication of Republic Act 8189 held at Tagaytay City last 6-7
February 1999, cum mobilization conferences held in Zamboanga (12-15
February 1999) and in Cotabato City (19-21February 1999) and in the
precinct mapping operations in Maguindanao and Sulu from 8 March to 3 May
1999; the Plebiscite on the creation of the City of Novaliches on 23
October 1999; and the Recall Elections for the City Mayor of Pasay City on
15 April 2000;
7.That in seeking to be accredited anew as citizen's arm of the Commission
for the forthcoming 2001 National and Local Elections; Petitioner herein
reiterates its previous commitments that:
1.It is not supporting any candidate, political party,
organization or coalition of political parties involved in the forthcoming
regional elections;
2.It shall remain strictly non-partisan and impartial during
the entire period fixed for the holding of the aforesaid electoral
3.It is not supported by or under the influence of any
foreign government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, or of any
foreigner, whether natural or judicial (sic);
4.It shall not solicit or receive, directly or indirectly,
any contribution or aid of whatever form or nature from any foreign
government or any of its agencies or
instrumentalities; or from any foreigner, whether natural or judicial
(sic); and
5.It does not seek to achieve its objectives, goals or
programs through violence or other unlawful means; nor propagate any
ideology opposed to the principles of a republican and democratic
government; and that it will undertake to police its ranks and prevent
infiltration of persons or groups of persons who may, directly or
indirectly, destroy its character of non-partisanship and impartially.
On January 27, 2001, the Commission issued an order, directing the
Petitioner to cause the publication of the petition in a newspaper of
general circulation. The hearing of the petition was set on January 31,
2001 at 10:00 A.M.
1.Affidavit of publication signed by Oscar R. Castillo,
advertising/services manager of Courier, a newspaper of general
circulation, published by Philippine Journalists, Inc., dated January 20,
2001, as exhibit A.
2.Page 10 of the January 20, 2001 issue of the Courier, as
Exhibit A-1.
The factual allegations of the petition are basically substantiated by
records available:
In resolving the petition, the Commission has taken into account the
Petitioner's track record particularly its participation in the past
electoral exercises, dating back to as early as the synchronized national
elections in 1992 and in subsequent similar election-related activities,
both local and national. Petitioner has also substantially complied with
the requirements prescribed under Rule 33 of the Comelec Rules of
Procedure. It should be noted that Petitioner seeks to be accredited anew
as a Citizen's arm of the Comelec for the national and local elections in
May 2001, to perform specifically voter's education and poll watching
functions within the areas where parishes are existing (paragraph no. 5,
Premises Considered, and pursuant to Section 2 (5) of Article IX-C of the
Constitution1 and Section 52 (k) of the Omnibus Election Code,2 as
amended, and other pertinent election laws, petitioner Parish Pastoral
Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) is hereby accredited as Citizen's
arm of the Commission under the latter's direct and immediate control and
supervision in the national and local elections on May 14, 2001 to perform
voter's education and poll watching functions in the areas where parishes
are existing.
Petitioner is accordingly charged and conferred the following duties,
responsibilities and functions:
1.Conduct poll watching functions in the precincts, render
assistance to voters, and in the canvassing of voters; and
2.Assist the Commission in voter's education campaign in
municipalities, provinces and cities where parishes are existing.
The accreditation herein granted is subject to the condition that
Petitioner shall:
a. be under the direct and immediate control of the
b. comply with all lawful orders of the Commission in the
performance of the specific functions and activities assigned by the
c. be non-partisan and impartial during the election period;
d. not to be under the influence whatsoever of any foreign
government, corporation or entity, and that neither shall said
organization nor any of its members seek to achieve its objectives or
programs through violence, or aim to propagate any ideology opposed to the
principles of a republican and democratic government;
e. undertake to police its ranks and prevent infiltration by
persons or group of persons who may, directly or indirectly, destroy its
character of impartiality;
f. submit to the Commission a list of officials and other
officers constituting its board and any changes therein shall be effective
only after approval thereof by the Commission;
g. make available to the Commission Petitioner's personnel,
facilities, equipment, papers and effects;
h. coordinate activities with other accredited Citizen's arm
of the Commission; and
i. submit a weekly written report of its operations during
the period of the May 14, 2001 elections.
This accreditation shall be deemed automatically revoked in case of
violation of any of the conditions heretofore set forth.
The Executive Director in coordination with the Clerk of Court, both of
the Commission, is directed to implement this Resolution, immediately upon
promulgation hereof, furnishing copies to all field officers nationwide
including the candidates and the political parties or coalition of
political parties.
The Education and Information Department shall cause the publication of
this Resolution in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation.
(SGD.) RUFINO S.B. JAVIER, Commissioner
(SGD.) RALPH C. LANTION, Commissioner
(SGD.) MEHOL K. SADAIN, Commissioner
(SGD.) FLORENTINO A. TUAZON, Jr., Commissioner
This is to certify that the conclusions in the foregoing resolutions were
reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Commission (En Banc).
1 Sec. 2. The Commission on Elections shall exercise the following powers
and functions:
xxx xxx xxx
(5) Register, after sufficient publication, political parties,
organizations or coalitions which, in addition to other requirements, must
present their platform or program of government; and accredit citizen's
arm of the Commission on Elections. (Underscoring supplied)
2 Sec. 52. Powers and functions of the Commission on Elections.
xxx xxx xxx
(k) Enlist non-partisan groups or organizations of citizens from the
civic, youth, professional, educational, business or labor sectors known
for their probity, impartially and integrity with the membership and
capability to undertake coordinated operation and activity to assist in
the implementation of the provisions of this Code and the resolutions,
orders and instructions of the Commission for the purpose of ensuring fee,
orderly and honest elections in any constituency. xxx

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Last Updated: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 04:35:21 PM