CITY/MUNICIPALITY/DISTRICT _____________________________________ BARANGAY ____________________________________ POLLWATCHER’S
REPORT Date ___________________ Polling Place: ___________________ Precint No: ____________ No. of Registered Voter’s in Precint: _________________ 1. VOTING BOOTHS: No. of booths in Precint: _____________________ Location/Spacing of booths: Good _________ Bad __________* Specify _________________ Propaganda or campaign materials w/ in 30 meters: Yes __________* No ____________ 2. BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS (BEI): Time start to arrive: _________________ Time all are present :___________________ Name of Chairman: ____________________ Name of Poll Clerk: ___________________ Name of Third Member:_________________ 3. BALLOT BOX: Serial No. : ____________________ Has three (3) padlocks: Yes ____________ No _______________* Opened and emptied: Yes _____________ No _______________* Intereor cover padlocked (1): Yes _____________ No _______________* Ballot box in plain view on top of table: Yes _____________ No _______________* 4. CERTIFIED LIST OF VOTERS (COMELEC Form No. 2): Have :__________ None________* No. of inclusions/ exclusions/ corrections: ___________/ ___________/ ____________/ Any signatures or thumbmarks: Yes __________* No ___________ 5. OFFICIAL BALLOTS: Wrapped: Yes ____________ No _______________* Sealed ____________ Seal broken ____________ * No Seal ____________* Serial Nos.: ____________________________________________ Consecutive: Yes ______ No _______*( Deemed spurious unless COMELEC Rep. orders use in writing, stating reasons therefor) No. of ballots: ____________ No. in excess: _________ Percent excess: ____________ 6. BOOK OF VOTERS (Affidavits): Sealed __________ Seal broken __________*No Seal _______* 7. INDELIBE INK: No. of bottles: _________ Indelible? Yes __________ No __________* 8. BALLPEN/THUMBPRINT TAKER: Quantity _________/ ____________ 9. ELECTION RETURNS: No. of sets/ copies: _________/ __________ Serial No.: __________ 10. TALLY BOARD/SHEET: Have __________/ _________ None _________*/ __________* 11. CERTIFIED LIST OF CANDIDATES/PARTYLISTORGANIZATION: Have ____ None _____* Posted: Yes ______ No _______* 12. LIST OF DEACTIVATED VOTERS: Have _______ None ______* Posted: Yes _____ No _____* 13. VOTING: Time started: __________ If delayed, explain: _______________________ Only authorized person around polling place: Yes _____ No _______*/___________*** Ballots delivered: Correctly folded: Yes _____ No ______* Signed at the back: Yes ___ No___* Tally of voters with carbon paper/wax paper: _______________/______________ Tally of ballots spoiled because of: Accidental causes: _____________ Different serial nos.: _____________* Detached coupons: _____________* Tally of valid ballots erroneously placed in compartment for spoiled ballots: _________* Tally of voters challenged: __________________ *** Tally of registered voters whose names were not in the Voter’s List: _____________*** Tally of voters whose names were used by somebody else:____________________**/*** No. of voters waiting to vote at 3:00 p.m.:________________(Name called three times) Time voting completed:_____________________ Serial No. of last ballots used:____________ No. of unised ballots:______________________ Serial Nos.:_______________ Unused ballots turn in half, lengthwise: Yes_____ No______* Torn halves placed in respective (Unused/Excused) envelopes: Yes_______ No__________ No. of voters who voted:____________ Percent turnout:______________ Time ballot box is opened:__________ No. of ballots found in compartment for valid ballots: ___________ No. of ballots, if any, retrieved from compartment forr spoiled ballots:__________ Less: No. of folded ballots (2 or more folded together):______________ considered excess No. of excess ballots : ________________ No. of valid balots with detachable coupons : ________________ No. of ballots marked “SPOILED” : ________________ No. of marked ballots : ________________ No. of unofficial ballots : ________________
No. of valid ballots to be read and counted:________________ Ballots separated into piles/bundles of 100 before counting: Yes__________ No ________* Tally board/sheet attached to wall and in plain view of the public: Yes_________ No________* Time counting started:____________ Time counting completed:____________ Time Certificate of Votes signed by BEI:__________ Time Certificate of Votes delivered to PPCRV Polling Place Chairman:__________ 15. FINAL PROCEEDINGS Counted ballots placed inside envelope and deposited in ballot box: Yes_________ No________*
Returns: Serial No. the same? Yes______No_______*
All copies legible? Yes________ No________* No. of votes for each candidate signed/thumbmarked? Yes___/___ No___*/_____* Corrections before announcement initialed? Yes_____ No_____* No corrections_______ Results announced? Yes_________ No__________* Time announced:__________ Amendments made after announcement: Yes_____* No_________ Inner seal placed on each copy and signed: Yes_________ No________* Browned envelope sealed/signed/thumbmarked? Yes___/____/____ No____*/_____*/____* Tally board signed: Yes____ No____* Placed in ballot box: Yes____ No____* Minutes prepared: Yes____ No ____* No. of voters challenged entered:__________ One copy placed in ballots box: Yes_____ No______* Time ballot box closed:_______ Locked with 3 padlocks: Yes_____ No_______* Certificates of Votes received from BEI: Yes_____ No_____* Time BEI thanked for a JOB WELL DONE:_________ Time BEI departs:__________ Name of PPCRV Ballot Box Escort to Municipal Hall:___________________ Time POLLWATCHER’S REPORT submitted to PPCRV Polling Place Chairman:_________
________ 2.
________ 3.
________ 4. ___________________________________ ____________ _______ ________ 5. ___________________________________ ____________ _______ ________ 6. ___________________________________ ____________ _______ ________ 7. ___________________________________ ____________ _______ ________ RECEIVED BY:_________________________ ____________ ___________________
Voting Center Chairman Time
Date **
File a protest to the BEI chairman ***
List names and addresses on a separate sheet For any
inquiries or comment, you may contact the WEBMASTER